Profesor Titular de la Universidad de Zaragoza
Contact data
Departamento de Economía Aplicada
Facultad de Economía y Empresa (Campus Paraíso)
C/ Gran Vía, 2
Zaragoza, 50005
Tel: (34)976762770
Areas of interest
- Economics of Taxation
- Environmental Economics
- Fiscal Federalism
- Public Economics
Curriculum Vitae
Selected publications
Catalytic effect of capital transfers in a federal context: the case of the Spanish regions | (2017)
Economics: The Open-Access, Open-Asseement E-Journal, No. 2017-34 | Link
Tax Effort of Local Governments and Its Determinants: the Spanish Case | Vallés-Giménez, J y A. Zárate-Marco (2017)
Annals of Economics and Finance 18(2) | Link
Environmental tax and productivity in a subcentral context: new findings on the Porter hypothesis | Zárate Marco, A y J. Vallés Giménez (2015)
The European Journal of Law and Economics, 40 (2): 313-339. | Link
Environmental taxation and industrial water use in Spain | Zárate Marco, A y J. Vallés Giménez (2013)
Investigaciones Regionales 25: 133-162.
Fiscal devolution and green tax administration | Zárate Marco, A y J. Vallés Giménez (2012)
Urban Public Economic Review 16: 61-92 .
The cost of regulation in a decentralized context: the case of the spanish regions | Zárate Marco, A y J. Vallés Giménez (2012)
The European Journal of Law and Economics, 33(1): 185-203.
Disparities in the Spending Needs of Highland Municipalities | Zárate Marco, A y J. Vallés Giménez (2011)
Public Budgeting and Finance, 31: 26-48.
Factors explaining the regulatory activity of the Spanish Autonomous Communities (1989-2001) | López Laborda, J. y J. Vallés Giménez (2010)
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 28 (3): 469-491.
Green taxes in a federal context: an empirical model for industrial waste in Spain | Vallés, J., Zárate, A. y Trueba, C. (2010)
The Review of Regional Studies, 40 (1), 27-51.
Fiscal Federalism, European Stability Pact, and Municipal Investment Finance: A Microdata Analysis of Spanish Municipalities | Vallés Giménez, J. y A. Zarate Marco (2007)
Publius: The Journal of Federalism, 37 (1): 68-102.
Una aproximación a los posibles efectos de la estabilidad presupuestaria sobre el gasto municipal de capital | Vallés Giménez, J. y A. Zarate Marco (2006)
Investigaciones Económicas, XXX(3): 465-502.
La influencia de la deducción por descendientes en el tamaño de la familia. Un ejercicio con microdatos para España | Vallés Giménez, J. y A. Zarate Marco (2005)
Hacienda Pública Española/Revista de Economía Publica, 175: 61-101.