Catedrático de la Universidad de Zaragoza
Contact data
Departamento de Economía Aplicada
Facultad de Economía y Empresa (Campus Paraíso)
C/ Gran Vía, 2
Zaragoza, 50005
Tel: (34)976761808
Areas of interest
- Economics of Taxation
- Fiscal Federalism
- Inequality and Redistribution
Curriculum Vitae
Selected publications
No War of Courts in the protection of fundamental rights: the case of amparo appeals in Spain | López-Laborda, J., F. Rodrigo and E. Sanz-Arcega (2024)
International Review of Law & Economics, 79 | Link | Archive
Do You Know to Whom You Pay Your Taxes? The Case of Decentralized Spain | López-Laborda, J., F. Rodrigo and E. Sanz-Arcega (2023)
Social Policy & Administration | Link
'Mobility of Top Income Taxpayers in Response to Regional Differences in Personal Taxes: Evidence from Spain' | Economics : the Open-Access, Open-Assessment e-Journal (2022)
Economics : the Open-Access, Open-Assessment e-Journal, 16, 152-169 | Link | Archive
The Perception of Residential Water Tariff, Consumption, and Cost: Evidence of its Determinants Using Survey Data | Barberán, R., J. López-Laborda y F. Rodrigo (2022)
Water Resources Management, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11269-022-03134-z | Link | Archive
"Consensus and dissent in the resolution of conflicts of competence by the Spanish Constitutional Court: the role of federalism and ideology" | J. López-Laborda, F. Rodrigo y E. Sanz-Arcega (2019)
European Journal of Law and Economics, 48 | Link
"Is the Spanish Constitutional Court an instrument of the central government against the Autonomous Communities?" | López Laborda, J., F. Rodrigo y E. Sanz-Arcega (2018)
Constitutional Political Economy, 29 | Link
"Tax Evasion in Spanish Personal Income Tax by Income Sources, 2005-2008: From the Synthetic to the Dual Tax" | Domínguez-Barrero, F., J. López-Laborda y F. Rodrigo-Sauco (2017)
European Journal of Law and Economics, 44: 47-65 | Link
Attribution of regional responsibilities for public services and citizens’ support for decentralisation: Evidence for Spain | LÓPEZ-LABORDA, J. and F. RODRIGO (2015)
Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 152: 65-86. | Link
El hueco que deja el diablo: una estimación del fraude en el IRPF con microdatos tributarios | Domínguez, F., J. López y F. Rodrigo (2015)
Revista de Economía Aplicada, 68. | Link
Fraude en el IRPF por fuentes de renta, 2005-2008: del impuesto sintético al impuesto dual | Domínguez, F., J. López y F. Rodrigo (2015)
FEDEA, EEE 2015-14. | Link
Intergovernmental fiscal relations: the efficiency effect of taxes, transfers and fiscal illusion | LÓPEZ-LABORDA, J.and A. ZABALZA (2015)
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 33 (1): 136-162
El hueco que deja el diablo: una estimación del fraude en el IRPF con microdatos tributarios | Domínguez, F., J. López y F. Rodrigo (2014)
FEDEA, EEE 2014-01. | Link
Percepciones de los ciudadanos sobre las haciendas regionales: quién es y quién debería ser responsable de los servicios e impuestos autonómicos | López, J. y F. Rodrigo (2014)
Revista de Economía Aplicada, 66. | Link
The inside and outside revenue impact of regional gambling taxes in Spain | Leal, A., J. López y F. Rodrigo (2014)
Growth and Change, 45(1): 79-97. | Link
Las haciendas autonómicas durante la crisis: de la tranquilidad a la zozobra | Leal, A. y J. López (2013)
Informe sobre Federalismo Fiscal en España '12, Institut d'Economia de Barcelona: 26-35. | Link
Taxation and the portfolio structure of Spanish households | DOMÍNGUEZ-BARREO, F. and J. LÓPEZ-LABORDA (2012)
Applied Economics, 44 (23): 3011-3027 | Link
Taxation and the saver’s choice between a life annuity and a lump-sum pension plan payout: the case of Spain | DOMÍNGUEZ BARRERO, F. y J. LÓPEZ LABORDA (2012)
Pensions: An international journal, Vol. 17, 1, 63-69.
¿Por qué los españoles son (moderadamente) autonomistas? Las ganancias regionales de eficiencia y la preferencia por la autonomía | López, J. y F. Rodrigo (2012)
Ekonomiaz, 81. | Link
The new Spanish system of intergovernmental transfers | ZABALZA, A. and J. LÓPEZ-LABORDA (2011)
International Tax and Public Finance, 18 (6): 750-786. | Archive
Cross-Border Shopping: a Survey | Leal, A., J. López y F. Rodrigo (2010)
International Advances in Economic Research, 16(2): 135-148. | Link
Factors explaining the regulatory activity of the Spanish Autonomous Communities (1989-2001) | López Laborda, J. y J. Vallés Giménez (2010)
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 28 (3): 469-491.
Prices, taxes and automotive fuel cross-border shopping | LEAL, A., J. LÓPEZ-LABORDA and F. RODRIGO (2009)
Energy Economics, 31(2): 225-234. | Archive
Why do people invest in personal pension plans? | DOMÍNGUEZ-BARRERO, F. and J. LÓPEZ LABORDA (2007)
Applied Economics, 39 (9): 1115-1126.
Personal Income Tax Decentralization, Inequality and Social Welfare | LÓPEZ-LABORDA, J. and J. ONRUBIA (2005)
Public Finance Review, 33 (2): 213-235
¿Afectan el IRPF y el Impuesto sobre Sociedades a la elección de la forma de empresa? | Domínguez, F., J. López y F. Rodrigo (2005)
Hacienda Pública Española, 174(3). | Link
La reforma del Impuesto sobre Actividades Económicas: una valoración con microdatos de la ciudad de Zaragoza | Zárate, A., López Laborda, J. y Trueba, C. (2004)
Papeles de Trabajo 28/2004, Instituto de Estudios Fiscales.
To Marry or not to Marry: Tax is the Question | LÓPEZ-LABORDA, J. and A. ZÁRATE (2004)
Public Budgeting and Finance, 24 (3): 98-123.
Tax amnesties and income tax compliance: the case of Spain | LÓPEZ-LABORDA, J. and F. RODRIGO (2003)
Fiscal Studies, 24(1): 73-96. | Archive
El análisis económico de las amnistías fiscales: ¿qué hemos aprendido hasta ahora? | López. J. y F. Rodrigo (2002)
Hacienda Pública Española, 163(4). | Link
Simplification and decentralization of the income tax | BADENES, N., J. LÓPEZ LABORDA, J. ONRUBIA and J. RUIZ-HUERTA (2001)
Public Finance Review, 29 (1): 49-60.
Revenue autonomy and regional growth: an analysis for the 25 year-process of fiscal decentralisation in Spain | 2011 ()
Environment and Planning A, 43 (11):.2626-2648. | Link